That's how Eddy Rosner's autobiography begins, compiled in 1953 in a Magadan prisoner's camp where he had found himself, as fate had willed it, in 1946. He already had suffered exiles and indignity - first he fled from Nazi Germany to Poland, then from Poland to the Soviet Union... The place where he had to stay for a long time.
"From the age of four I had a bent for music. A child of six, in 1916, I was taken to the Stern's musical conservatory in Berlin, Beethovenstrasse, 23. <...> In 1920 I completed the concervatory' violin class with excellent marks and passed to the High school of music in Berlin, Kantstrasse, to continue my musical education".
At that time Rosner turns from violin to the trumpet, and that had great influence upon his future career. Violin, the queen of the symphonical orchestra, had left its throne for trumpet - the king of jazz. Adolph Rosner, who had already chose the stagenames "Ady", "Jack" and "Eddy", played in Marek Weber's orchestra firstly, soon changing it for Stephan Weintraub's band, "The Syncopators", which jazz trend had been marked much more clearly. That's what the Russian journalist and collector Vladimir Vinogradov has written about this period: "During the 1930s the band made lots of records and toured around Western Europe. Furthermore, "The Syncopators" were commissioned to play at the "New York" transatlantic steamer, entertaining the public travelling between Hamburg and American ports.
For some years Eddy Rosner was in correspondence with the drummer Jean Krupa and the American trumpet-players Roy Aldridge, Bunny Barrigan and Harry James became his idols. Together with Dutch Louis de Fries Rosner was considered the best jazz trumpeter in Europe.
But Hitler's coming to power hastened the musician's decision to leave
Germany. One day he was even beaten by Nazi fanatics in a central Berlin
bar. During the orchestra's tour to Switzerland Rosner leaves Weintraub
and moves to Poland"
Like Henryk Wars, he succeeded in overcoming the tango-orchestras glum style, that was in favour everywhere in Poland, and creating excellent swing jazz pieces recorded in Paris by Columbia during the band's tour in 1938. However, with the outbreak of the Second World war on September 1, 1939, Rosner with a group of musicians had to flee from crashing Poland to Western Belarus, that became the part of the Soviet Union. "That took place in the Zarembo-Koshel'ni district. The Soviet boardguard authorities accepted us willingly, and sent us to Belostock after discovering that we are musicians". Collecting the "refugee musicians', he organizes the Belostock jazz, that soon becomes the State jazz of the Belorussian Soviet Republic. Successful tours through Belorussia and later to Leningrad followed. Yury Zeitlin, the former participant of Rosner's orchestra, remembered: "Already the first BSSR jazz' concerts brought a grandious success. That was a musical variety show unseen before. Good rumours about it spread with lightning speed, and when the orchestra tours reached Moscow, the rush for tickets began. The concerts of the BSSR jazz were of a stunning success".
The Rosner's orchestra' first crew existed for a limited time. In the end of 1941 most of its participants joined the general Anders' Polish army and Rosner had to reorganize his collective, replenishing it with new-coming musicians from the former Henryk Gold' and Henryk Wars' orchestras.
The new band began regular recording sessions. Among the true hits recorded
in 1945 - 1946 such popular compositions as
"Mandoline, Guitar and Basso"
"What a Fellow"
found their place, with vocal parts
sung by the band's staff singers. Later on Eddy Rosner's collective began
to work in collaboration with Georgy Vinogradov and Georgy Abramov, a well-known tenor, as
the "artistic board" was not satysfied with the band's soloists Polish
accent. As a result of these creative contacts, such popular pieces like
"What For?"
"Hidden Island"
"On a little Glade"
"It isn't a Dream"
"Donkey Serenade"
"In a Boat" appeared.
Magnificent swing and exceptional Rosner's talent as a solo trumpeter feature
the instrumental compositions mostly created by Yuri Belzatsky and Eddy
himself. Among those put on a disk
"Saint Louis Blues"
"1001 Tact in a Rhythm"
"Farewell, Love"
should be marked specially.
was well up to August 18, 1946, when the "Izvestiya" newspaper published
an article by E.Grosheva titled "Triteness at the Stage". From that time
Rosner had made up his mind to return to Poland. But he had to prepare
and do it illegally, and on November 28, 1946 he was arrested by the Lvov
KGB department. Sentenced to a 10-year term, Rosner went to prison where
he found a work in a prisoner's camp band. He continued writing retrial
solicitations all the time of his imprisonment in Magadan, but in vain.
More than a year after Stalin's death, on May 22, 1954, he was discharged.
Soon after that tireless Rosner organizes a new orchestra, with only vocalist
Pavel Gafman and violinist Louis Markovich remaining of its previous personnel.
A "Carnival Night" comedy, with music performed by Rosner's orchestra musicians,
appears at the screen in 1956 to become a permanent New Year evergreen
for Russian people till today. In the 1960s Rosner tried to create an orchestra
with specifically jazz repertoire, but his own playing technique was not
so brilliant, bearing the impress of prison diseases, car incident, numerous
personal and artistic disorders. The only record featuring the Polish singer
Katarzyna Bovera was made at that time.
In 1972 Rosner emigrated to West Berlin, but too little time was left
for peaceful life in his native land. On August 8, 1976 Eddy Rosner passed